What is a PSMA Certified Inspector?


These are most septic tank pumpers, and they are trained to understand how on-lot systems work, why they fail, how to recognize impending malfunctions. They are taught how to examine a septic tank and make sure the baffles and popes are correctly placed and functioning.

How a PSMA Inspector Certification is obtained:

A certification exam must be passed for an inspector to obtain a PSMA Certification. When a PSMA Inspector checks out a septic system:

  • He/she will examine the various parts of the system to make sure all necessary components are in place and in good shape.
  • Estimate your water usage
  • Look for water ponded in the absorption field
  • And other evidence that may signal a system that may soon fail or need extensive maintenance or replacement.

These PSMA inspection procedures have been developed in co-operation with The Pennsylvania State University, with SEOs, and with other professionals in the industry. The Commonwealth courts, County courts, and Local courts have recognized them as the industry standard during proceedings with real-estate inspection issues. This inspection will give you a comprehensive report on the state of your septic tank.


For more information about PSMA/NOF inspections go to the Pennsylvania Septage Management Association website.